Thursday, December 31, 2009

Interview with Oren J from Silver Medallion

score! oren j from silver FUCKING medallion agreed to do an interview with me.

yes, oren, you DO own the night.

I have seen crowds inside nightclubs be driven to an arena-rock level of frenzy by Silver Medallion performances. In your observation, what drives this dynamic? 

I feel they really vibe off of our energy, we take the stage by storm, and we go non-stop, not to mention our beats are dancefloor heavy material…


What track, artist, dj or album initially drew you to the electro sound? 

I was living in Brooklyn, djing out there, just getting into electro, this was fall of 2007 I believe? And that’s when I first started getting remixes off Palmsout Remix Sunday, bumping hella Spank Rock, Bonde De Role, Santogold, Chromeo etc.


What is your absolute favorite drink and why? Does it represent you in some way, or does it just taste good? 

I drink gin, Hendricks if possible, its no representation it just goes hard…

You've done shows with a host of different artists. Who has been your favorite so far? Who do you look forward to sharing a stage with as your success grows? 

I love doing shows with LMFAO just because they do the same thing to crowds we do, bring them to a fever pitch, and we’re all just a really good music match. We’ve done shows with Lil Jon, Far East Movement, Asher Roth, Mickey Avalon, 2 Live Crew, all kinds, but I’m looking forward to real pop shows, big stage performances, Lady Gaga, Kanye West type shit…


How would you explain to someone who was familiar with house, but not electro, where the similarities end and the contrasts begin? 

Electro is like house’s bastard child lol. I remember in like 2001 –2003 when everyone was expecting electronic music and house to take over, but that didn’t really happen until electro. Electro is like an approachable version of house, music you might want to bump outside the club as well, and it’s a million genres within one…


My first exposure to your work was the myspace customization you did for a mutual friend, Tzu. I was blown away by the quality. Did the DJing come first or did visual design? And how did the one lead to the other? 

I’ve been djing since high school, then graphic design was what I studied in college. It all goes hand in hand with music, allows us to do more in house, which is invaluable for getting things done with Silver Medallion.


What is your favorite Nietzsche quote?

“The lie is a condition of life.”