Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Beats Knock, Girl Talk, Rap Rock, Shock Jock

Mashups Rule. I really don't feel like pontificating right now about why they are so great. I'll just let these speak for themselves.

And Some More of My Favorites:

(yeah i know some of these, including the first, are not within the strict definition of mashup. who cares?)
also i had to include the travis + dj am video in memoriam.

What is a Mashup? A bootleg? A white label? Bastard Pop?

On its surface, the concept of a mashup is deceptively simple: play two songs at the same time. Songs doesn't necessarily mean "songs" however. There are many other types of mashups:
But that's not what I'm particularly interested in. I like audio or audio/video mashups. Trying to pinpoint what makes a great combination is one of my hobbies. The complexities that arise from this pursuit are the reason for this blog.

I'll launch this blog the way I do most things, very informally and impulsively, with this list of my

Top 5 Mashups Of This Moment.

3. This is a classic. Classic material, son. The second hottest Christina (behind Kelly Bundy) meets the second rate White Stripes, but somehow the union produces one of the most compelling early mashups.

1. Olivia Newton John has jungle fever for Snoopy D-O-double-G. Dr. Dre is looking at John Travolta in a rather awkward way.


Mashup status dubious; Awesome status confirmed:
(not on the list cuz its technically more of a remix. but you must be informed of its existence.)
DJ Steve Porter and Vince Da Ho-Slapper came together in this insane combination of high energy old skool breakdance beats with Vince's even higher energy sales pitch:

"click link or get slapped like a ho"